News at The Episcopal Church in Almaden, San Jose

ECA Almaden ECA Almaden

Weekly Inspiration (2/22/25)

“Lord, make me a channel of disturbance. Where there is apathy, let me provoke; Where there is compliance, let me bring questioning. Where there is silence, may I be a voice. Where there is too much comfort and too little action, grant disruption. Where there are doors closed and hearts locked, Grant the willingness to listen….” Come join us on our community website to reflect on the rest of this weeks poem. We hope it helps you to find some inspiration this week.

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ECA Almaden ECA Almaden

Weekly Inspiration (2/15/25)

“Through his ministry of healing and reconciliation, as well as through his association with outcasts and sinners, Jesus is proclaiming the arrival of God’s rule…bringing forth new life. And that is cause for celebration!” Come join us on our community website to read and reflect on the rest of this weeks quote. We hope it helps you to find some inspiration this week.

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ECA Almaden ECA Almaden

Weekly Inspiration (1/25/25)

“You will go through seasons of life where you are overwhelmed and feel lost: having lost your bearings, lost your direction, lost your meaning, maybe lost your hope. The good news is in Jesus’ real presence. Jesus is God Emmanuel, God with us. And his presence is real: not imaginary….” Come join us on our community website to read and reflect on the rest of this weeks quote. We hope it helps you to find some inspiration this week.

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ECA Almaden ECA Almaden

Weekly Inspiration (1/8/25)

“Stop what you’re doing. Take a break. Go outside. Change perspective. Take deep breaths. Slow yourself down. Unplug. Disconnect from devices. Gaze. What catches your eye? What’s beautiful? Hold there….” Come join us on our community website to read and reflect on the rest of this weeks quote and poem. We hope it helps you to find some inspiration this week.

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ECA Almaden ECA Almaden

Christmas & New Year message - A New Season. A New Year!

“O God whose Word has come among us in the Holy Child of Bethlehem, may the light of faith illumine our hearts and shine in our words and deed. Amen” We wish you a spirit filled Christmas season! May the year 2025 bring you renewed hope and energy for all that is to come.

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ECA Almaden ECA Almaden

Weekly Inspiration (12/19/24)

“The mystery of Bethlehem is that God can be known in gentleness and weakness…God chooses the places of gentleness and weakness of our lives in which to be known….” Come join us on our community website and find some inspiration this week.

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ECA Almaden ECA Almaden

Weekly Inspiration (12/4/24)

“Everything we do goes back into the Body of Christ, to build up that Body for those who come after. We, each of us, have clothed ourselves in Christ, and we can’t take it off again in this life. Everything we do matters.” Come join us on our community website and find some inspiration this week.

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ECA Almaden ECA Almaden

Weekly Inspiration (11/7/24)

“…That word ‘compassion’ comes from the Latin: com (meaning ‘with’) and passio (meaning 'suffering'). To have compassion for someone means to suffer with them. How are you called to mirror God’s compassion?” Come join us on our community website and find some inspiration this week.

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