Recent Musical Offerings
Singing Together Again!
We are overjoyed to be able to gather in person and sing together once again. After a year and a half apart due to the pandemic, our three choirs have come together to make music, enriching our worship and making a joyful noise to the Lord. In order to be safe, we still maintain distance and wear masks when not singing. But the satisfaction of harmonizing together is enormous (instead of alone at home with headphones on).
As Joni Mitchell sang, “Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone.” We are now truly grateful for the ability to gather and make music together.
"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
— Berthold Auerbach
Adult Choir
The Adult Sanctuary Choir enhances our worship services with a broad range of anthems from classical, contemporary, spirituals, gospel & others. We seek to musically highlight & reinforce the gospel and lessons of the day.
We are currently seeking a Music Director and Organist/Pianist.
The person selected will help ECA fulfill its vision of creating a joyful, dynamic worship experience, supported and enriched by music both congregational and choral through celebration and education. We want the Music Director to help educate and train individuals and the congregation as a whole, preparing them to participate fully in the worship of the church.Follow this link to find more details:
HandBell Choir
Ruthanne Adams Martinez, Conductor
(aka: chief ding-a-ling)The Handbell Choir is a joint venture between ECA and our sister church CCAV, UCC. We are a joyful community of ringers who range from novices to seasoned performers of 20+ years, with a diverse range of professional and musical backgrounds. We rehearse on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30-6:00pm and play two churches services on Sundays approximately every 6 weeks.
Sound intriguing? We welcome all who want to make "a joyful noise" (and music) together with us! Please join us! -
Casual Choir
Kimberly Axtell,
Choir LeaderCasual Choir is an opportunity to sing a new song! We focus on contemporary music that reflects our ever-changing walk with the Divine, embracing many musical styles including gospel, and call and response. We also give special emphasis to women composers and hymn-birthers which reflects a different relationship to the Holy.
Rehearsal occurs on the Sunday morning before the services in which we participate. The music that is selected is designed to be melodic and sung in unison. We welcome singers of all levels, from expert to haven’t sung before.Together we make a joyful noise!
Want to get Involved?
Because ECA enjoys a wide variety of music, we have several different choirs and lots of opportunity to get involved.
If you play an instrument, would like to learn handbells, or enjoy singing contemporary, folk, or traditional church music, we would love to have you join us. From beginners to seasoned singers and instrumentalists, we offer opportunities for all, and all are welcome!