Highlight of the decade:
Apart Together, we moved on-line providing classes and discussion groups covering topics such as Social and Racial Justice, Creation Care, and ideas for the Church of the Future.
Highlight of the decade:
Celebrated ECA’s 50th anniversary with three days of events and meals, including music, plays and worship services with many prior Rectors and over 200 people (past and present parishioners)
Steps Along the Way
Highlight of the decade:
Purchased a new Organ and expanded the Music program with Bell Choir, Adult choir, Folk choir and Casual Choir.
Steps Along the Way
Highlight of the decade:
Provided key funding to build the new Santa Maria Urban Ministries facility to help the mind, body and soul of those in need in the downtown community.
Steps Along the Way
Highlight of the decade:
Montgomery Meals ministry to feed those in need began.
Steps Along the Way
Highlight of the decade:
The church was built and the start of a wonderful and unique Joint Venture partnership began!