Sunday Worship Livestream...
Every Sunday at 10:45am, you can follow us via one of our livestream options on YouTube or Facebook! Please make sure to add in your prayers or birthday and anniversary wishes in the comments section as early as possible.
If you miss the livestream, you can watch one of the recordings below.
If you would like to watch the services live, we recommend that you follow the YouTube button link above. This will bring you to our YouTube channel. Every Sunday at 10:45am you will see a new livestream marked by a red live stream icon in the bottom corner of the stream. If you are logged in with your account in YouTube or Gmail, you have the possibility to comment, like, or chat with us, however, you do not need an account with YouTube or Google to watch the livestream. If you have a YouTube account, we highly recommend that you subscribe and activate the bell icon for notifications and easy access for future livestreams.
Device recommendation: Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops, Computers, Smart TV, Streaming devices (such as Apple TV, ROKU, Chromecast etc…)
If you would like to watch the services live via Facebook, follow the Facebook button link above. You will need to have an active account with Facebook and you will need to be logged in to watch. Every Sunday at 10:45am you will see a new livestream of the day. If you follow the link above (then remember to login first) you will see an archive of all prior livestreams. The first one on this list usually marked with a red livestream icon in the upper corner is the current livestream. When you click on the live-streamed video, in the upper lefthand corner you will see a live icon.
Device recommendation: Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops, Computers
YouTube - sunday livestream recording
After each livestream, you will find the recorded livestream below. If you want to watch it live, please follow the instructions above.