Weekly Inspiration (2/15/25)
“Through his ministry of healing and reconciliation, as well as through his association with outcasts and sinners, Jesus is proclaiming the arrival of God’s rule. God is not distant and threatening, but present and active, here and now, bringing forth new life. And that is cause for celebration!”
Br. David Vryhof
Society of Saint John the Evangelist
by Steve Garnaas-Holmes
..to proclaim the year of God's favor...
—Luke 4.19
Jesus, reading from Isaiah, cuts the quote short.
He omits “the day of God's vengeance.”
Speaking as the Chosen one of God,
he has taken it off the menu.
The only punishment inflicted
will be his own cross.
There is no payback, only kindness.
Even to the enemies of God there is only grace.
This, now, is the ”year”—the present—of God's favor,
God's radical, gentle delight.
Can we follow? Like a drunk abstaining,
will we forgo all cruelty, all vengeance?
Like David armorless facing Goliath,
will we trust the five smooth stones of love?
Soldiers have taken easier oaths.
Yet to be bearers of God's favor alone,
to live lives only of mercy
the Spirit is upon us.