Weekly Inspiration (10/5/22)

God is the God of creation, constantly expanding our old and finite ways of thinking in order to make room for his love for all people, a love that is fresh and intoxicating. In order to contain this new wine, we have to be like new wineskins, ever willing to expand and broaden, accepting a new understanding of what God is doing in our lives and in the world.

-Br. Jim Woodrum
Society of St. John the Evangelist

Poem of the Week

Holy One,
in the storm of my daily life
be my calm.
In the drought of my despair
be the rain of hope.
In the earthquake of my emotions
be my steady ground.
In the forest fires of my fear
be my safe place.
In the flood of anger around me
be my high ground.
In all of life's uncertainties
you are my sure and certain thing.
I thank you. I trust you.
I give myself to you.

-Steve Garnaas-Holmes


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Community updates (10/5/22)