Weekly Inspiration (11/17/23)
A thought provoking poem for your reflection by the one and only Ruthanne Adams Martinez :)!
An Accounting of Life
by Ruthanne Adams Martinez
In the ledger,
the account book of life,
the double-entry system
of debits and credits
joy and upheaval
peace and industry
possibilities and routine
an initial investment
an infusion of capital–
"I will give you a place
and a people."
debit life
credit wife, children, job
hobbies, sports
driving, laughter
Post the entries
assessing the taxes
the accounts payable
what is owed to others
and what is owed even higher
"Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s
and give to God what is God's."
the whole sum of everything
and even more
gratefully paid out
gratefully poured out
debit accounts payable and
disburse the funds
Then there's depreciation
never on anyone's preferred schedule
credit life
debit expense
mind the GAAP
use a spreadsheet
except in God's economy
debit asset account Heaven
where moth and rust
do not destroy
where treasure is stacked neatly
in columns of people helped
lives touched
talents invested
with returns so much greater
than the wildest imaginings
Yet all too soon
the trial balance is drawn
the books are closed
the audit has begun.
Standing before the Lord:
"An accounting must be made."
a close scrutiny of all entries
the net profit is high
for life to have come out
so solidly in the black...
"Welcome home,
good and faithful servant.
Enter into your eternal rest."