The Practice of Centering Prayer
Becoming Ordinary & The Practice of Centering Prayer
**BEGINS at 9:00AM ON FRI (11/11/22) & ENDS at 12 NOON ON SUN (11/13/22)**
When we step on the spiritual path we bring our motivations and intentions with us. Our intentions often include the desire to draw closer to God and to become a better person. We may struggle with something we want to overcome thus inspiring us to work on ourselves. Once we have adopted a spiritual practice and have been on the path for a while we discover that the motivations that brought us to the journey can become impediments to our spiritual and emotional growth. Seeing ourselves more dearly allows us to surrender to God's extraordinary love while being ordinary people. We understand that we are not trying to get anywhere or to become better. We are simply learning how to be and to rest in God's love each moment.
For more information on how to be apart of this retreat and details about the cost, leave us a message on our CONTACT US portal and we will get back to you shortly.