New Film Announcement: ‘The CCSR Story’
We wanted to bring this new film documentary to your attention:
(from The Episcopal Church - Office of Public Affairs)
“ New film explores Episcopal Church’s groundbreaking history of ethical investing
A new documentary—first shown to The Episcopal Church Executive Council during its fall meeting—highlights the church’s pioneering efforts in conducting socially responsible investing more than a half-century ago.
The Executive Council Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR) commissioned the 30-minute film, directed by award-winning producer Peter Swanson, to help tell the story of the church’s groundbreaking—and ongoing—efforts to align its financial investments with the values of Jesus Christ.”
“Our work on this committee is very much about collaboration with other institutions, dioceses, and organizations—we are grateful for their support, which, along with funding from the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, made this documentary possible,” committee member Diane Pollard said. “We hope Episcopalians will take time to view and share this film and be inspired by the church’s history and work in this area.”
Follow the link for more!