COP27 closing event on Nov. 30, 2022

We wanted to bring this conference to your attention:
(from the Episcopal Church website)

“The 27th session of the Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, also known as COP27, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt is almost finished. This year’s hybrid platform allowed for a wider representation of Episcopalian delegates, who have been participating virtually and in person in daily events.

COP27 Closing Event: Report Back from the Presiding Bishop’s Delegation

After the close of the 27th Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, gather with Episcopal advocates and ecumenical partners for this closing event. Our Presiding Bishop’s Delegation will offer reports from their witness at the conference and summaries from the results of the negotiations. We will finish with a faith-led vision of the future of Episcopal advocacy around climate change.

Delegates will report back on their experiences during an online closing event at noon ET Nov. 30, open to all.”


An Episcopal Sermon: November 20, 2022


Weekly Inspiration (11/16/22)