Community updates (9/28/22)

St. Francis Day – Blessing of the Animals – Sunday, October 2
St. Francis Day is October 4th and we will be blessing your pets on the back patio on Sunday, October 2 from 2:30-4pm. If you would like to have your pet blessed, just bring him/her sometime during that period. Friendly pets are invited to have a play date during that time. Invite neighbors and friends to come as well!

All are welcome! If you would like to bring a picture of a shy or reluctant pet, we will bless your friends while they rest at home.

All Saints Day – November 6 – and ECA’s Birthday as well as Ingathering of Pledges for 2023
The Feast of All Saints, November 1st is a major feast of the Church, when we recognize the Communion of Saints – that unbreakable bond of love and presence among all God’s people who have gone before us, live now, or will someday be born. It is also ECA’s birthday; we turn 55 this year! We will be celebrating both – so please put Sunday November 6th on your calendar as a day to be sure you attend church. That Sunday is also our Ingathering of Pledges for 2023.

PLEASE MARK SUNDAY, DEC 4TH ON YOUR CALENDARS FOR ECA’S ANNUAL MEETING #1. As we did last year, we are splitting the 2023 Annual Meeting into two parts.
Part 1 will be after church on Sun, Dec 4th.
Part 2 will be after church on Sun, Feb 5 (Neither the play-offs nor the Super Bowl).
The Dec. meeting will focus on 2023 budget and elections for Vestry Members and Convention Delegates/Alternate. Part 2 will focus on where ECA is and the year ahead.

Sign up now for our Oktoberfest Fellowship Event – See the JV Bulletin Board

This will be a fun evening for both ECA and CCAV families and friends. Yes, you can invite neighbors and friends to meet all of us and our church. Menu includes bratwurst, German potato salad and German cucumber salad. Of course, pretzels and apple strudel, too. All for just $10/person. For those requesting a vegetarian entrée, please indicate such on the sign-up poster and our chef will prepare one for you. Deadline for signing up and payment will be Sunday, October 23, so that our shopping can be done conveniently for our volunteers.

Here's a special volunteer opportunity and get your dinner free. Sign up to be one of two dishwashers needed for the evening. If you do not already know how to run the dishwasher we will train.

There are many other ways you can help make this event a successful one and fun for all. Check how you might be able to help and sign up where you can. Thank you.

Questions? Contact Us and ask for Susie Ferguson or Debbie Bemis, your communication team.

Thursday Morning Bible Study Zoom Meeting – 10-11:30am every Thursday.

Open to all, meets each Thursday with the same link. You can find the recurring link in the weekly Wednesday message.

Feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions.

EACH WEEK: Wednesday Night Discussion Class continues on Zoom as a book study, 7:00 pmThe Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, et al. This is available on Amazon – be sure to use Smile Amazon and give the credit to ECA – as book, Kindle, or audio book.

“No dark fate determines the future. We do. Each day and each moment, we are able to create and re-create our lives and the very quality of human life on our planet. This is the power we wield. Lasting happiness cannot be found in pursuit of any goal or achievement. It does not reside in fortune or fame. It resides only in the human mind and heart, and it is here that we hope you will find it… Every day is a new opportunity to begin again. Every day is your birthday. May this book be a blessing for all sentient beings, and for all of God’s children—including you.”

This lovely and inspiring book will lift your heart and soul. We will watch two great spiritual leaders of our time: one Anglican and one Buddhist, spend time together teaching and showing us what joy is and how it is cultivated, and we will be touched by their stories, deep friendship, good humor, and humble humanity. Open to all.

Wednesday Night Discussion Group Zoom Meeting - permanent link that you can find in the weekly Wednesday Message.

Feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions.

Here is a direct link to our weekly “An Episcopal Sermon” podcast.
Each weekly podcast episode is a live recording of the Gospel reading followed by the sermon based on that reading from our Sunday services. A new episode is posted on our website every Monday. This podcast provides thought provoking messages that can be listened to anywhere at anytime.

Join us this Saturday - Oct 1st - for this month's Parish Meeting with the Bishop

Event: Transition Parish Meeting #3 and Lunch Potluck
Date: Saturday October 1st
Time: 12:30-2:30pm

We will be discussing the status and plans of the Church of the Future so the Transition Team accurately represents the effort and direction, as we search for our new rector.

ECA is in an exciting stage and we have a very unique opportunity for the right rector. Help us to insure we communicate our needs and status to find the best fit for ECA

Come to share your perspective and inputs!
Come to learn and get the very latest update from the Church of the Future Core Team!
Come for the fellowship and a great potluck lunch!!

Hope to see everyone on Saturday!!

For those that cannot be at the Parish meeting in person, please find the zoom link in the Wednesday Message for a virtual meeting: Contact Us with any questions.

The deacons of Santa Clara Valley Deanery have put together a training for Lay Eucharistic Ministers (those who serve at the altar) and Lay Eucharistic Visitors (those who take communion to others); if you want to be trained and licensed in these ministries, please speak to me. The training will be offered on Saturday, October 1st, 9am to 3pm, at St. Jude’s Episcopal Church in Cupertino (20920 McClellen Road). There is a registration form to fill out.


An invitation from St. Stephen's in-the-Field Episcopal Church:

We would love to invite you to our October 9th Harvest Festival Dinner, 5-8:30pm. We'll have BBQ, fruits and preserves from our community garden, live music, a silent auction and a pie auction.

Tickets are $5/child and $25/adult and can be purchased on our website or at the door. St Stephen's in-the-Field is located at 7269 Santa Teresa Blvd, San José, CA 9513.

Please direct any questions about the harvest dinner or community garden to St Stephen's Junior Warden, Jessica Dickinson Goodman


Weekly Inspiration (9/28/22)


An Episcopal Sermon: September 25, 2022