Creation Care
The Episcopal Church in Almaden believes God has made us all stewards of creation. As such, we strive to grow life-giving relationships with all of God’s creation, including the human family. As individuals and as a community, we are committed to educating ourselves and others, identifying what actions we can take to meet current environmental and climate challenges.
As an individual, it is frustrating and overwhelming to try and figure out how you can help make a difference. One way to be a part of finding solutions is to get yourself educated on the hot topics impacting our environment and the world. Every daily decision that you make impacts the environment around us. Start by checking out Susie’s Book Nook for some stories that thoughtfully teach children and help to wake up the adults.
From beach clean ups, to trash pick ups and recycling awareness, the opportunities to get involved in your surrounding community are many. Check out our Events Calendar and keep an eye out for any community activities happening in the area that you can get involved in.
Visit The Episcopal Church creation care section on their website to learn more about how The Episcopal Church family is making it a priority to help bring about positive change on this earth.
The Covenant for the Care of Creation from the Episcopal Church website, is a commitment to practice loving formation, liberating advocacy and life-giving conversation as individuals, congregations, ministries and dioceses.
See Glossary