New “Susie’s Book Nook” YouTube Episode! Plastic: Past, Present, and Future

There is a new ‘Susie’s Book Nook’ children’s book review live on YouTube!

This week’s book reviewed by Susie is: Plastic – Past, Present, and Future by Eun-Ju Kim, illustrated by Ji-Won Lee.

“Plastics have been an amazing invention since as early as 1869 when celluloid was created to make billiard balls, which had previously been made out of ivory from elephant tusks. This particular book traces the history of plastics, how it’s produced, its many uses, and how our use has skyrocketed out of control. A fun exercise for you and your family could be to take a stroll through your own house, room by room and notice just how many things you have that are made of plastic.

This book does a good job at giving background as to how our plastic use has evolved from the good to the bad. Some products, in fact, have helped us to lead healthier lives. You may find all the plastics in the medical industry quite eye-opening. You may also be interested in learning how plastics in transportation have been beneficial.

As our plastic usage has increased exponentially, so has the amount of plastic waste in landfills and various habitats. If you take a minute to look at how different materials compare in the time it takes each to biodegrade, the realities are quite shocking….”
Click on the link to see the full YouTube review :)!

This book review puts a spotlight on well-written and thought-provoking books focused on the topics of creation care and social justice. This is a great resource for parents everywhere to help them find those unique stories for their children that are both fun to read and bring about awareness.

A Book Review for Parents with Kids and Teens!


New “Susie’s Book Nook” YouTube Episode! One Plastic Bag


“Susie’s Book Nook” New Episode live on YouTube!