Susie’s Book Nook - New Children’s Book Review: ‘The Peace Book’

I’m gazing at the cover of The Peace Book by Todd Parr and I cannot help but smile and feel hope. The brightly colored faces with fun hairstyles or hats will delight your young children and maybe even you, too.

It is easy to get caught up in the day’s news headlines and feature stories and feel overwhelmed and disappointed with your fellow adults. Ever wonder how all this is perceived by the children in your care? Children don’t miss much; a fact we caregivers should always keep in mind. So, what do you think peace might look like to your preschooler or elementary aged child?

As you read through this book with your children or grandchildren, I am sure you will be struck by the variety of ideas that can be instilled in our very souls that are considered peaceful no matter our age. If you allow time and space with each page, you and your child can be transported to new hopes in your own lives. Not to mention the endless possibilities of conversation starters with your children to express their thoughts and ideas surrounding peace.

The book starts out with “Peace is making new friends”, which becomes true as you move from page to page & concept to concept. The author introduces ways to find peace with people and environment while encouraging generosity and a much-needed tolerance for our differences.

Here’s one to consider: “Peace is giving shoes to someone who needs them” along with a picture of a very long caterpillar with his many feet in colorful shoes. My grandson loved that picture and contemplated it for a very long time before he was okay with me turning the page. Of course, counting all the feet was important, too. But on another level isn’t peace possible to be found in our giving and generosity and sharing through abundance?

I especially loved how this book looked at peace “wearing different clothes” or “listening to different kinds of music” to recognize differences and similarities simultaneously for all children. What could be more important in building a more peaceful community than recognizing differences that really don’t make us different inside. We all still want to be loved and appreciated for who we are. And this author closes his book with “Peace is being who you are…being different, feeling good about yourself, and helping others.” 

I would encourage you to check your local library or favorite bookstore and check out The Peace Book. See where it might take you and your children. We can all make our world a better place.

P.S. Todd Parr has written many wonderful books meant to inspire, start conversations, and teach. Visit to learn more.


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