Meditation Reflection: “Just-in-Time God” by Cecily Whiteside

Each summer while I was in college, I would start packing at the beginning of August, a month before school began. My mom would walk by my half-packed room and sigh. She wanted me to be home — completely home — for that last month. But me? I was thinking about the next thing. I was excited for the new year; the adventure of whatever was around the corner, but it was more than just excitement. I tended to push the process. My suitcase would be open on the floor, clothing spilling out from my digging around for something I had already packed, but that I still needed in the here and now. Chaos was the result when I was partly in each place, and Mom missed me before I even left. That inclination is still with me almost 40 years later. If I plan to travel — in a month —I am already packing!

My Christian life runs along these same lines. I am rarely content to walk the path God has already illuminated before me. I want to know what is around the next corner, and the one after that. I fret and fuss at God. I perseverate about possibilities for things that have yet to unfold. I pray fervent prayers wanting to know the future. I want to read the last page of my story so I know there is a happy ending, and then I can live the intervening pages without fear or worry. God doesn’t work that way. He is a just-in-time God. He shows us just enough for today. Why? Why can’t He show me what’s up ahead? When I stop pounding my fists and stomping my feet at Him, He tells me several things.

1. He wants me to trust Him.
Psalm 143:8 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

If I know the ending, what do I need faith for? It’s emotionally uninvolving to watch a movie for the second or third time. We already know what happens. It’s that first viewing that keeps us on the edge of our seat. What will happen next? The anticipation sucks us in, interested, enthralled. God is all about keeping life interesting. He does not want a bored people. We are in an epic story — our own and His. It’s a nail-biter, full of plot twists and unexpected changes in course. I can only see my next step and I have to trust God for the one after that.

2. He wants me to talk to Him.
Psalm 105:4 Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.

He wants my attention. He likes it when I talk to Him. He is a God of relationship. When I am uncertain, or worried, I pray. When I am excited about a possibility unfolding, I pray. When I am angry over an injustice, I pray. When I am thankful for something, I pray. I’ve been binge-watching a new show. After some crazy thing happens in the next episode, I call a friend to hash over things. “Can you believe she did that? What is she thinking? How will this affect the next episode?” In the same way, God enjoys me checking in with Him about the latest crazy plot twist in my own story. How sad if I am so complacent knowing the end of the story that I don’t take each new episode to Him for some fan-girl dishing.

3. He wants to protect me.
Psalm 119:114 You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.

I am easily discouraged and full of fear. If I had known how hard life would be, would I have had the fortitude to go on? Would I have given up long ago? On my marriage, my parenting, my career, my friendships? God is kind and gentle with me. He gives me strength, or he comforts me in my despair. He brings encouragement through friends or situations when I need them. He is guarding my heart, my mind, and my soul. He operates on a need-to-know basis. Otherwise, this life just might kill me.

4. He likes to be thanked.
I Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

When God provides something in the nick of time, we get a chance to thank him specifically. Think about the gifts you give your kids. You want them to say thank you. It’s not just good manners, it deepens the bond between you both. They had a need — new shoes, an especially delicious dinner, a fun and frivolous outing. They express thanks and your heart is warmed. They rarely thank us for the things that are there on a regular basis. When was the last time they said “Thanks for the sheets on my bed, Mom.” They take them for granted! We are just like that with God. When was the last time I thanked God for my car? It runs great. It starts every time I turn the key. And I take it totally for granted. Or for the fact that I can get out of bed and stand up in the morning without pain. Or the clothes in my closet and a washing machine to keep them clean. But when I have an urgent need and God provides for it just in time, I am grateful and I tell Him so. And it deepens my bond with Him. Oh and I have started thanking him for mundane things, too. Writing this has reminded me to remember and be thankful for those little things as well.

5. He likes us to spread the word about Him.
Ps 34:3 Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.

When God provides something just in time, we tell our friends about it. It encourages both us and them. My mom recently went to the dentist for tooth pain, only to find that she needed a root canal. Ugh. Painful and costly! But just the day before — yes, one day before — God had brought a buyer out of the blue for a piece of my artist stepdad’s sculpture that had sat in a gallery for almost a year. The two events combined for a virtual zero-impact on their budget. Coincidence? You can call it that if you want. But me, I say God sold that piece just in time so that Mom’s mouth surgery would not have to come out of their daily operating budget. When she told me about the two events, she lamented the one and rejoiced at the other. I saw the connection between them, and as we talked about it, we encouraged each other about God’s faithfulness. He brought that buyer just in time! Another example happened when my son, Chip, was in college. His computer was on its last legs and could not keep up with his advanced coding needs. “It’ll cost about $2000 for a new laptop that can do what I need it to,” he told me. I was tapped out paying tuition along with the household costs (I still had 3 kids under my roof I needed to feed, clothe, and house). I told him to pray about it, and I would too. Not two days later, Chip called me. “You’re not going to believe this, Mom.” He had received an email from the school. A professor the year before had entered him into a scholarship opportunity for computer science majors who had also played intramural sports. Chip had played club volleyball that spring and mentioned it in passing to his prof. The committee had awarded him…you guessed it….$2000 to be put toward school expenses and equipment. Chip did not know he’d been entered much less that he had a chance of being awarded this money, it was totally out of the blue. But God knew Chip’s need months ahead of time and answered: Just in time. Both of us grew in faith and still tell the story years later.

Even with all these examples of God’s perfect timing I still get impatient. I want what I want when I want it, like a child begging for ice cream at dinnertime. God is kind and gentle as he tells me no, or wait, or try this other thing instead. He loves me enough to allow my life to unfold one day at a time, giving me the strength for that day. Each moment brings its joy, sorrow, difficulty, and bounty. Moment by moment, it all adds up to a fulfilling life. When I allow Him to show me what’s next in His time and with His perspective, my life fills with sweetness. It’s not always easy or fun, but it is always exciting. I am on the edge of my seat, and I know it’s gonna be good!

- Cecily Whiteside


Meditation Reflection: ‘Fear and The Christian Life’ by Cecily Whiteside